Speech by Hugh Gaitskell against UK membership of the Common Market (3 October 1962)
Text On 3 October 1962, Hugh Gaitskell, leader of the Labour Party, delivers a speech at the annual Labour Party Conference in which he lists the reasons for which opposes the United Kingdom's accession to the European Economic Community (EEC).
Source and copyright
Source: GAITSKELL, Hugh. [Speech by Hugh Gaitskell (3 October 1962)]. In: Britain and the Common Market: Texts of speeches made at the 1962 Labour Party Conference by the Rt. Hon Hugh Gaitskell M.P. and the Rt. Hon. George Brown M.P. together with the policy statement accepted by Conference. Labour Party. 03-10-1962. pp. 3-23.
Copyright: (c) Labour Party