Re-election by acclamation of Mario Scelba as President of the European Parliament (Strasbourg, 10 March 1970)
Audio extract On 10 March 1970, as the eldest member, the Italian Roberto Cantalupo chairs the Plenary Session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg held in order to elect the President and the eight Vice-Presidents of the institution. Before proceeding with the election, which confirms by acclamation Mario Scelba’s Presidency for the second consecutive year, Cantalupo gives an address calling for the European Parliament’s powers to be extended and for the role played by the institution as promoter of the economic and political integration of the Community to be enhanced.
Source and copyright
Source: Election vice Présidents 10/03/70- Strasbourg: Parlement européen [Prod.], 10.03.1970. Parlement européen, Bruxelles. - SON (00:35:16, Montage, Son original).
Médiathèque du Parlement européen - Archives Radio, Bruxelles. 0053c PE. Tape n°3, 3/70.
Photo: Mario Scelba. Europ-Flash. Photo Parlement européen. Noir et blanc.
Copyright: Médiathèque Parlement européen
Photo: Photo European Parliament
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