Poster by the European Parliament Office in Spain for the elections to the European Parliament on 13 June 1999 (in Galician)
Text The European Parliament Office in Spain publishes a poster in several official languages with the slogan ‘Your voice in Europe', with the aim of encouraging Spanish citizens to participate in the European elections on 13 June 1999. This comes at a time when debates are being held on the ‘democratic deficit' and significant institutional reforms are being planned to coordinate efforts with a view to the fifth enlargement of the European Union.
Source and copyright
Source: 13 de xuño a túa voz en Europa - Parlamento Europeo. Eleccións 1999. Illustración y diseño: Carmen Moreno. Parlamento Europeo. Oficina en España, 1999. Couleur.
Parlamento Europeo - Oficina en España, Madrid.
Copyright: (c) Parlamento Europeo - Oficina en España
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