Political forum hosted by Raymond Thévenin: the common agricultural market (RTL, 13 December 1963)
Audio extract In a political programme hosted by Raymond Thévenin and broadcast on 13 December 1963 on RTL radio, journalists Georges Broussine from La Nation, Jean Ferniot from L’Express and Denis Baudouin from L’Indépendant debate the French position in the negotiations between the Six in Brussels on the establishment of a common agricultural market.
Source and copyright
Source: Négociations de Bruxelles sur le MC / RAYMOND THEVENIN, Georges Broussine.- Paris: RTL [Prod.], 13.12.1963. RTL, Paris. - SON (00:11:59, Montage, Son original).
Photo: CVCE Logo. Colour.
Copyright: (c) Archives RTL
Photo: (c) Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE)
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