Pierre Werner, a vision for Europe: his approach, action and legacy — Conference (Luxembourg, 28 November 2013) — Fourth session: From the Werner Report to the Delors Report: progress towards Economic and Monetary Union
Video At the international conference ‘Pierre Werner, a vision for Europe: his approach, action and legacy’, the fourth working session entitled ‘From the Werner Report to the Delors Report: progress towards Economic and Monetary Union’ is chaired by Dr Piet Clement, Head of Information and Collaboration at the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland. The session features the following contributions: Dr Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, Post-doctoral Research Associate, Department of Economic and Social History, University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School, Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Fellow: Entre rejet et réutilisation: le plan Werner et le SME, 1974–1979; Dr Hanspeter Scheller, Honorary Secretary General of the Bank for International Settlements, the European Monetary Institute and the European Central Bank: The Werner and the Delors Reports – one or two approaches to EMU; Prof. Sylvain Schirmann, Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair and Director of the Institute of Political Studies at the University of Strasbourg: Georges Pompidou et les questions monétaires européennes.
Source and copyright
Source: Pierre Werner, une vision pour l’Europe: pensée, action, enseignements — Colloque international, prise de vue : Alexandre Germain.- Luxembourg: CVCE [Prod.], 27.11.2013. CVCE, Sanem. - VIDEO (01:11:40, Couleur, Son original).
Copyright: (c) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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