Pedro Pires de Miranda, President of the Portuguese Commission for European Integration (Lisbon, 29 March 1979)
Image On 29 March 1979, Pedro Pires de Miranda (right), former Portuguese Minister for Trade and Tourism, takes over from Victor Manuel Ribeiro Constâncio, who has resigned as President of the Portuguese Commission for European Integration entrusted with Portugal’s negotiations for accession to the European Communities. He is welcomed by Manuel Jacinto Nunes (left), Portuguese Deputy Prime Minister, and by Carlos Alberto da Mota Pinto (centre), Portuguese Prime Minister.
Source and copyright
Source: 1979 29 de Março: Pedro Pires de Miranda toma posse como presidente da Comissão Portuguesa para a Integração na CEE, na presença de Mota Pinto e de Jacinto Nunes. Lusa – Manuel Moura, 29/03/1979. Noir et blanc.
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