Memorandum on the visit of a Portuguese Delegation to the Council of Europe (Strasbourg, 20 May 1975)

Memorandum dated 12 May 1975 from the Director of Legal Affairs at the Council of Europe on the visit to be paid by the Junior Justice Minister and the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Portugal to the ‘Palais des Droits de l'Homme' in Strasbourg.

Source and copyright

Source: GOLSONG, Heribert. Mémorandum à l'attention de MM. Muller, Harremoes, Furrer, Buquicchio et Mme Buquicchio, Objet: Réunion avec une délégation portugaise. Strasbourg: Conseil de l'Europe, 20.05.1975. 2 p.

Copyright: (c) Conseil de l'Europe

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