Memorandum from the Dutch Members of the High Authority and of the Commissions of the EEC and of Euratom (May 1961)

In May 1961, the Dutch Members of the High Authority and of the Commissions of the EEC and of Euratom draw up a joint memorandum with a view to the Conference scheduled to be held in Bonn on 19 May but actually postponed to 18 July.

Source and copyright

Source: Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam. Sicco L. Mansholt (1945-1995). Commissaris voor de landbouw en vice-voorzitter van de Commissie van de Europese Gemeenschapen. Ingekomen stukken en doorslagen van uitgaande brieven (1958-1961), 97.

Copyright: Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis / International Institute of Social History

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