Mário Soares shakes hands with Jacques Delors during the official signing of Portugal’s Treaty of Accession to the European Communities (Lisbon, 12 June 1985)
Image Mário Soares, Portuguese Prime Minister, shakes hands with the President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, during the official signing of Portugal’s Treaty of Accession to the European Communities on 12 June 1985 in Lisbon.
Source and copyright
Source: Lusa - Agência de Notícias de Portugal SA, Rua Doutor João Couto - Lote C, 1500-236 Lisboa. www.lusa.pt.
1985 06 12: Primeiro-Ministro Mário Soares cumprimenta Jacques Delors, presidente da Comissão Europeia, na cerimónia de assinatura do Tratado de Adesão de Portugal à CEE a 12 de Junho de 1985. Lisboa: Lusa - Alfredo Cunha, 12/06/1985. Noir et blanc.
Copyright: (c) LUSA