Letter from José Gonçalo Corrêa de Oliveira, Portuguese Minister of State, requesting the opening of negotiations with the EEC (18 May 1962)

On 18 May 1962, José Gonçalo Corrêa de Oliveira, Portuguese Minister of State, sends a letter to the President of the Council of the European Communities, expressing, on behalf of his country, his wish to open negotiations with the Communities.

Source and copyright

Source: Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Serviço de Arquivo Histórico-Diplomático, Palácio das Necessidades, Largo do Rilvas, 1399-030 Lisboa. http://www.min-nestrangeiros.pt/mne/ahd/arquivpt.html. EOI. M 213.

Copyright: (c) Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Serviço de Arquivo Histórico-Diplomático

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