Konrad Adenauer


Source and copyright

Source: CVCE.

Photo: Konrad Adenauer. Strasbourg: Parlement européen. Noir et blanc.

Copyright: (c) Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE)
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Photo: Photo European Parliament

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Konrad Adenauer
Date and place of birth
05/01/1876 in Cologne (Germany)
Date and place of death
19/04/1967 in Rhöndorf (FRG)
Offices held
Mayor of Cologne (1917–1933)
Chairman of the CDU in the British Zone (1946–1950)
Chairman of the CDU (1950–1966)
President of the Parliamentary Council (1948–1949)
Foreign Minister (1951–1957)
Member of the Bundestag (1949–1967)
Federal Chancellor (1949–1963)