José Silva Lopes


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Source: CVCE.

Photo: Interview de José da Silva Lopes. Lisbonne: CVCE, 23.10.2007. Couleur.

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José Silva Lopes
Date and place of birth
10/05/1932 in Caxarias (Portugal)
Offices held
Administrator at the Caixa Geral de Depósitos Bank (1969–1974)
Professor at the Higher Institute of Economic and Financial Sciences (1971–1972)
Minister for Finance and Planning (1974–1975 and 1978)
Minister for Foreign Trade (1975)
Governor of the Bank of Portugal (1975–1980)
Consultant for the World Bank and the Caixa Geral de Depósitos Bank (1980–1993)
Professor at the Catholic University of Portugal (1981–1984)
Member of the Assembly of the Republic (1985–1989)
Member of the Board of Governors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (1991–1993)
Consultant for the Bank of Portugal (1993–1996)
Chairman of the Economic and Social Council (1996–2003)
Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Montepio Geral Bank (2004– )