Interview with Willy Claes (Hasselt, 21 October 2010) — Excerpt: NATO, the Partnership for Peace and opening up to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
Video In this interview excerpt, Willy Claes, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) from 1994 to 1995, explains the link between the Partnership for Peace (PfP), launched at the NATO Summit in Brussels in 1994, and the enlargement of the European Union to include the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as NATO’s openness towards these countries.
Source and copyright
Source: Interview de Willy Claes / WILLY CLAES, Étienne Deschamps, prise de vue : Alexandre Germain.- Hasselt: CVCE [Prod.], 21.10.2010. CVCE, Sanem. - VIDEO (00:03:42, Couleur, Son original).
Copyright: (c) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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