‘Impasse in the Saar' from Het Parool (24 October 1955)

On 24 October 1955, the Dutch daily newspaper Het Parool analyses the consequences of the rejection by the voters in the Saar of the European Statute for the Saar as part of Western European Union (WEU), as provided for by the Paris Agreements of 23 October 1954, and considers the future of Franco-German relations.

Source and copyright

Source: Het Parool. Vrij Onverveerd. dir. de publ. Van Norden, W ; Réd. Chef Koets, P. J. 24.10.1955, n° 3.309; 15. Jg. Amsterdam: Het Parool. "De impasse in de Saar", p. 1.

Copyright: (c) Translation CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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