Hearing of Foreign Secretary Jack Straw before the House of Commons on the forthcoming IGC (10 September 2003)

On 10 September 2003, Jack Straw answers the questions of the House of Commons Select Committee on European Scrutiny. The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs is heard on the subject of preparations for the IGC, the specific issues involved in the negotiations and the United Kingdom’s room for manoeuvre.

Source and copyright

Source: Select Committee on European Scrutiny, House of Commons, Examination of Witnesses – Rt Hon Jack Straw, Mr Kim Darroch and Mr Tom Drew, Minutes of Evidence, Questions 1-74, 10.09.03, http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200203/cmselect/cmeuleg/1078/3091001.htm.

Copyright: House of Lords - UK Parliament

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