DHLU 2013 Symposium (Luxembourg, 6 December 2013) — fifth panel: Distant and close reading

The fifth panel of the DHLU 2013 symposium, moderated by Lars Wieneke, Head of the CVCE’s Information and Technology Department, features two presentations on the topic ‘Distant/close reading’. Dorothée Goetze and Tobias Tenhaef from the University of Bonn’s Institute for Historical Peace Research give a presentation on ‘How to face the crisis of legitimacy: the transfer and further development of methods of access from printed to digitalized editions’. The panel concludes with a presentation by Luis Gil Tiago entitled ‘Atlas numérique de l’Amérique portugaise’.

Source and copyright

Source: Websites as sources: Reading historical sources in the digital age – Symposium DHLU 2013 - Distant/Close Reading. / prise de vue: Nicolas Donnerup.- Luxembourg: CVCE [Prod.], 06.12.2013. CVCE, Sanem. - VIDEO (00:32:12, Couleur, Son original).

Copyright: (c) Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE)
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