DHLU 2013 Symposium (Luxembourg, 5 December 2013) — First panel: Distant and close reading
Video The first part of the first panel of the DHLU 2013 Symposium, chaired by René Leboutte from the University of Luxembourg, explores the topic ‘Distant/close reading’ by means of three presentations. The first, by Sacha Zala and Christiane Sibille, both from the Dodis research group, is entitled ‘Beyond a national historiography? Networking diplomatic documents in the digital age’. In the second, Arianna Betti and Hein Van Den Berg from VU University Amsterdam discuss the subject ‘Creating a digital history of ideas’. To close this part, Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol from the University of Glasgow presents his paper entitled ‘Digital sources in European integration history/international economic history: a frustrated view’.
Source and copyright
Source: Websites as sources: Reading historical sources in the digital age – Symposium DHLU 2013 - Distant/Close Reading / prise de vue : Alexandre Germain.- Luxembourg: CVCE [Prod.], 05.12.2013. CVCE, Sanem. - VIDEO (01:12:20, Couleur, Son original).
Copyright: (c) Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE)
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