CSCE Summit Document, Towards a Genuine Partnership in a New Era (Budapest, 5 and 6 December 1994)

Meeting in Budapest on 5 and 6 December 1994, the Heads of State or Government of the States participating in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) decide to give the CSCE a new impetus by renaming it the ‘Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe' (OSCE) and by providing it with new resources. Their object is to refashion the CSCE as a primary instrument for early warning, conflict prevention and crisis management in the region.

Source and copyright

Source: CSCE Budapest Document 1994 Towards a Genuine Partnership in a New Era. [ON-LINE]. [s.l.]: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), [06.10.2005]. Available on

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