Composition of the first government of Konrad Adenauer (Bonn, 20 September 1949)

Composition of the first government of Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on 20 September 1949. (First row, from left to right) Anton Storch, (Minister for Labour), Ludwig Erhard (Minister for Economics), Konrad Adenauer (Chancellor), Franz Blücher (Minister for Marshall Plan Affairs and Vice-Chancellor), Jakob Kaiser (Minister for All-German Affairs), Thomas Dehler (Minister for Justice) and Hans Lukaschek (Minister for Refugee Affairs); (second row, from left to right) Wilhelm Niklas (Minister for Food, Agriculture and Forestry) and Eberhard Wildermuth (Minister for Housing); (third row, from left to right) Heinrich Hellwege (Minister for Bundesrat Affairs), Hans Schuberth (Minister for Posts and Communications), Gustav Heinemann, (Minister for the Interior), Fritz Schäffer (Minister for Finance) and Hans-Christoph Seebohm (Minister for Transport).

Source and copyright

Source: Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung (BPA), 10117 Berlin, Dorotheenstr. 84.
Das erste Kabinett Adenauer. Bonn: Bundesbildstelle Berlin, 20/09/1949. Schwarz und Weiß.

Copyright: (c) Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung

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Composition of the first government of Konrad Adenauer (Bonn, 20 September 1949)