Cartoon by Stig on the Saar question (March 1950)
Image ‘Commentary on the situation. In the European forge.’ In March 1950, the front page of the Saar-based satirical journal Der Tintenfisch features a cartoon by German cartoonist Stig (Roland Stigulinszky) illustrating how the Saar is maintaining its European credentials under the benevolent gaze of the neighbouring countries. From left to right: former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President of the Italian Council of Ministers Alcide De Gasperi, former Belgian Prime Minister Paul-Henri Spaak, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman and Johannes Hoffmann, Minister-President of the Saar. In the background, Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (on the right) and General de Gaulle (on the left) observe the scene.
Source and copyright
Source: STIG (Roland Stigulinszky). "Kommentar zur Lage. In der Europaschmiede" dans Der Tintenfisch. Das humoristische Blatt des Saarlandes. Saarbrücken: Presse-Verlag GmbH. März 1950, n° 7, Jahrgang 3.
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