Cartoon by Ollis Marktplatz on the differences of opinion between France and Germany over the ECB (25 April 1998)
Image ‘DUISENchet’. On 25 April 1998, the German cartoonist Oliver Sebel illustrates the differences of opinion between German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and French President Jacques Chirac over the appointment of the President of the future European Central Bank. While Germany is in favour of the appointment of Dutchman Wim Duisenberg as head of the future European Central Bank, Jacques Chirac contests the method used and instead nominates Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor of the Banque de France, maintaining that if Germany has the seat of the ECB, France should get the President.
Source and copyright
Source: OLLIS MARKTPLATZ (Oliver Sebel). "DUISENchet" dans Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Zeitung für Deutschland. Frankfurt/Main: FAZ Verlag GmbH. 25.04.1998.
Copyright: (c) Oliver Sebel