Cartoon by Meinhard on the political evolution of the FRG and the GDR (19 October 1949)

‘This'll make it thrive!' In 1949, this cartoon from Fritz Meinhard portrays the political future of the FRG and GDR as a German heraldic eagle, with, on the left, the new West Germany, prosperous and strong, supported by the United States and its allies, and, on the right, a weakened, militarised communist East Germany under the direct control of Moscow.

Source and copyright

Source: MEINHARD, Fritz. Mit spitzer Feder, Karikaturen aus der Stuttgarter Zeitung. 1 éd. Stuttgart: Turmhaus Druckerei GmbH, 1950. 134 S. (Kleine Turmhausbücher). "So muß er ja gedeihen !", auteur:Meinhard, Fritz, p. 45.

Copyright: (c) Fritz Meinhard

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Cartoon by Meinhard on the political evolution of the FRG and the GDR (19 October 1949)