Cartoon by Low on the plan to create an International Authority for the Ruhr (30 December 1948)

On 30 December 1948, two days after the London Conference, British cartoonist David Low illustrates the desire of the representatives of the United States, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom to create the International Authority for the Ruhr (IAR) in order to control steel and coal production and the commercial practices of the Europe’s most industrialised region. From left to right: George Marshall, US Secretary of State, Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, and Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary.

Source and copyright

Source: Evening Standard. 30.12.1948. London.

Copyright: (c) David Low Associated Newspaper / Solo Syndication, London

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Cartoon by Low on the plan to create an International Authority for the Ruhr (30 December 1948)