Cartoon by Köhler on British accession to the EC (21 September 1974)

On 21 September 1974, the German cartoonist, Köhler, harshly criticises the attitude of the British Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, notably for his use of the issue of the United Kingdom's participation in the European Communities as 'bait' for electoral purposes.

Source and copyright

Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Zeitung für Deutschland. Hrsg. EICK, Jürgen; WELTER, Erich; FACK, Fritz Ullrich; DESCHAMPS, Bruno; FEST, Joachim; REIßMÜLLER, Johann Georg. 21.09.1974, n° 219. Frankfurt/Main: FAZ Verlag GmbH.

Copyright: (c) Köhler

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Cartoon by Köhler on British accession to the EC (21 September 1974)