Cartoon by Cabu on the difficult relations between France and Germany (21 October 1998)
Image On 21 October 1998, French cartoonist Cabu offers an ironic depiction of the future of Franco-German relations as imagined by future Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Schröder wants to give new impetus to the Franco-German duo and ‘revamp’ a relationship that has become routine. French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin (on the right) is finding it hard to follow the pace set by Social Democrat Gerhard Schröder, who is taking inspiration from the historical Helmut Kohl–François Mitterrand duo. Since Germany has regained its unity and sovereignty, it has changed its European policy and is unapologetically focused on defending its interests.
Source and copyright
Source: CABU (Jean Cabut). "Charlie Hebdo Paris: Charlie Hebdo. 21.10.1998.
Copyright: (c) CABU