Cartoon by Bensch on John F. Kennedy's visit to West Berlin (26 June 1963)

‘Two worlds in Berlin.’ On 26 June 1963, the German cartoonist, Bensch, illustrates the visit to Berlin, in the middle of the Cold War, of the US President, John F. Kennedy, and emphasises the hope of freedom that this trip imagines in the West German people faced by the oppressive, police state regime of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) led by Walter Ulbricht.

Source and copyright

Source: BARTHOLY, Georg. Aufs Korn genommen, Das Jahr 1963 in der Karikatur der Deutschen Zeitung. Köln: Deutsche Zeitung, 1963. 55 S. "Zwei Welten in Berlin", auteur:Bensch, p. 29.

Copyright: (c) Deutsche Zeitung

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Cartoon by Bensch on John F. Kennedy's visit to West Berlin (26 June 1963)