Aníbal Cavaco Silva awards the North-South Prize to Mukhtar Mai (Lisbon, 19 March 2007)

On 19 March 2007, the Portuguese President, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, awards the 2007 Council of Europe North-South Prize to Mukhtar Mai from Pakistan for her commitment to the defence of women’s rights in Pakistan. The prize-giving ceremony takes place in Lisbon, the seat of the North-South Centre since 1990, in the Senate Hall of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic.

Source and copyright

Source: Cérémonie de remise du prix Nord-Sud. Weltin, Sandro. Strasbourg: Conseil de l'Europe, 19.03.2007. Couleur.

Copyright: (c) Council of Europe

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Aníbal Cavaco Silva awards the North-South Prize to Mukhtar Mai (Lisbon, 19 March 2007)