Against Europe? The historical resistance of political parties to European integration — MISHA seminar (Strasbourg, 21 April 2010)
Video In the first part of the first day of the seminar, chaired by Simon Usherwood from the University of Surrey, Valentina Vardabasso from Paris I University looks at the position taken by the Italian Communist Party on the European Defence Community (EDC). Patrick Bredebach from the Goethe University Frankfurt describes the European policy of German Social Democracy in the 1950s.
Source and copyright
Source: Contre l'Europe ? : Partis politiques et société civile - Séminaire MISHA / prise de vue : Alexandre Germain.- Strasbourg: CVCE [Prod.], 21.04.2010. CVCE, Sanem. - VIDEO (01:19:14, Couleur, Son original).
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