Address given by Willy Brandt to the Bundestag on the situation in the European Communities (Bonn, 28 March 1974)

On 28 March 1974, Willy Brandt criticises the state of European integration. He attacks the inability of the Member States of the European Community to adopt a joint position on the energy crisis. The German Chancellor deplores the uneasy relations between the European Communities and the United States and emphasises that European integration is impossible without the support of the United States. He also discusses the difficulties that the Nine are having in developing the European Union and advocates a period of consolidation.

Source and copyright

Source: Verhandlungen des deutschen Bundestages. 7. Wahlperiode. 91. Sitzung vom 28. März 1974. Stenographische Berichte. Hrsg. Deutscher Bundestag und Bundesrat. 1974, Nr. 87. Bonn. p. 6096-6101.

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