Address given by Jean Rey on the merger of the executive bodies (Strasbourg, 20 September 1967)

On 20 September 1967, the single Commission of the European Communities appears before the European Parliament in Strasbourg for the first time. In his address, Jean Rey, President of the Commission, outlines the work carried out by the three executive bodies which the single Commission will replace and sets out the new duties and responsibilities that the institution will exercise following the entry into force of the ‘Merger Treaty’ of 8 April 1965.

Source and copyright

Source: Discours de M. Jean Rey, Président de la Commission des Communautés Européennes devant le Parlement Européen, SEC(67) 3710. Strasbourg: Commission des Communautés européennes, 20.09.1967. 19 p.
Archives historiques de la Commission européenne, Bruxelles, 8, Square de Meeûs. Commission européenne Archives historiques Bruxelles, CEAB 2 (Haute Autorité CECA, Secrétariat général).

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