Die erste Erweiterungsrunde
Die erste Erweiterungsrunde
Die Konferenz von Luxemburg
'Die Reform der Kommission' von Robert Boulay (RTL, 12. Mai 1970)
Audio extractIm der Nachrichtensendung auf RTL Radio vom 12. Mai 1970 erläutert Robert Boulay, wie die Sechs sich auf einen Zeitplan zur Aufnahme von Beitrittsverhandlungen mit den vier Kandidatenländern geeinigt haben: Dänemark, Vereinigtes Königreich, Irland und Norwegen. Da die Mitgliederzahl der Kommission außerdem bald von vierzehn auf neun reduziert werden wird, erläutert der belgische Außenminister Pierre Harmel, dass die Verpflichtung für sein Land, künftig nur noch einen Kommissar zu stellen, trotz der Mehrsprachigkeit Belgiens kein Problem darstellen sollte.
Speech by Gaston Thorn (Luxembourg, 30 June 1970)
TextOn 30 June 1970, at the opening of the Conference between the European Communities and the candidate countries in Luxembourg, Gaston Thorn, the Luxembourg Minister for Foreign Affairs, delivers a speech in which he stresses the importance for Luxembourg of hosting the first ministerial session on accession negotiations.
Report by Pierre Harmel (Luxembourg, 30 June 1970)
TextOn 30 June 1970, at the opening of a conference between the European Communities and the EC applicant countries held in Luxembourg, Pierre Harmel, Belgian Foreign Minister and President-in-Office of the Council, delivers a speech in which he highlights the importance of the future negotiations between the Six and Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom.
Statement by Jean Rey (Luxembourg, 30 June 1970)
TextOn 30 June 1970, Jean Rey, President of the Commission of the European Communities, delivers a speech in Luxembourg in which he encourages the Six to ensure the success of the negotiations on the enlargement of the Communities.
Statement by Anthony Barber (Luxembourg, 30 June 1970)
TextOn 30 June 1970, the Luxembourg diplomatic Conference opens negotiations on the enlargement of the European Communities. Anthony Barber, UK Government spokesman, outlines to the Council of Ministers the British position towards the common market.
Die Konferenz von Luxemburg (Luxemburg, 30. Juni 1970)
VideoAm 30. Juni 1970 versammeln sich die Sechs und die vier Kandidatenländer für den Beitritt zu den Europäischen Gemeinschaften (Vereinigtes Königreich, Irland, Dänemark und Norwegen) in Luxemburg zu einer diplomatischen Konferenz.
'Negotiations can finally begin' in Nieuw Europa (June 1970)
TextIn June 1970, the magazine of the Dutch European Movement, Nieuw Europa, expresses its satisfaction that negotiations with the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark and Norway on joining the European Communities can finally begin.
Cartoon by Murschetz on the enlargement of the European Community (14 December 1971)
ImageIn the early 1970s, Denmark, the United Kingdom and Ireland resolutely seek to join the European Economic Community (EEC). The three applicant countries sail together 'towards new shores'.
Die Herausforderungen
Commission Opinion on the applications for membership received from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark and Norway (2 April 1968)
TextOn 2 April 1968, in response to applications for membership of the European Economic Community (EEC) from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark and Norway, the European Commission delivers its opinion on the practicalities of future enlargement of the EEC.
Interview with the foreign minister of the Netherlands from the Corriere della Sera (11June 1969)
TextIn an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera on 11 June 1969, Joseph Luns, Dutch Foreign Minister, states that he is completely in favour of the enlargement of the European Economic Community (EEC).
Rede von Maurice Schumann (22. Juli 1969)
TextAm 22. Juli 1969 hält der französische Außenminister Maurice Schumann seine erste Rede vor dem Ministerrat der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (EWG) und verleiht seinem Wunsch Ausdruck, dass die Sechs die Beitrittsbedingungen zum Gemeinsamen Markt genau festlegen.
Interner Vermerk der Kommission der EG zur Erweiterung der Gemeinschaft (18. Juli 1969)
TextAm 18. Juli 1969 fasst H. Sigrist, Generaldirektor für Außenbeziehungen der Europäischen Kommission, für den europäischen Kommissar für Außenbeziehungen, Gaetano Martina, die allgemeinen Grundsätze zusammen, die die Bedingungen für die Erweiterung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft darstellen sollten.
Summary record of the activities of the Permanent Representatives Committee (Brussels, 9 October 1969)
TextIn October 1969, the Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER) of the Member States of the European Economic Community (EEC) gives its views on the opinion delivered by the European Commission on the applications for accession to the European Common Market submitted by Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom.
Main agricultural products of the new Member States (1969)
TableTable showing the main agricultural products of the United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland in 1969.
'Negotiations begin a second time' in Nieuw Europa (July-August 1970)
TextIn its July-August 1970 issue, the magazine of the Dutch European Movement, Nieuw Europa, comments on the start of new negotiations for the accession of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark and Norway to the European Communities.
'What kind of Europe will the British be joining?' from L'Europe en formation
TextIn summer 1971, in an article published in the federalist journal L’Europe en formation, Jean Rey, former President of the Commission of the European Communities, considers the objectives and progress of the accession negotiations of the Six with the four applicant countries and calls for a strengthening of the Community institutions.
'On the threshold of a Europe of Ten' from L'Europe en formation
TextIn its issue of July and August 1971, the federalist journal L’Europe en formation looks critically at the operation of the Common Market and reproaches the European Communities for being too abstract in the eyes of European citizens.
Commission Opinion on the applications for accession to the EC by Denmark, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom (19 January 1972)
TextOn 19 January 1972, the European Commission delivers a favourable opinion in response to applications from the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for membership of the European Communities.
‘The effect of British accession on Community structures’ from Affari Esteri (January 1972)
TextIn January 1972, in an article in the Italian journal Affari Esteri, Nicola Catalano, former member of the Italian Delegation to the Drafting Group for the Rome Treaties, explains why the enlargement of the European Communities is an important step towards the establishment of a United States of Europe.
Die Herausforderungen
"Das Gebot der Stunde" in Luxemburger Wort (24. Januar 1972)
TextAm 24. Januar 1972 beschreibt die luxemburgische Tageszeitung Luxemburger Wort detailliert die neuen wirtschaftlichen und politischen Herausforderungen des erweiterten Europas.
'No political breath, Saturday in Brussels' in Combat (24 January 1972)
TextOn 24 January 1972, the French daily Combat welcomes the new enlargement of the Community, but calls for closer European cooperation in economic, monetary and political matters.
'The problems of the Common Market of Ten' from L'Unità
TextOn 24 January 1972, the Italian Communist daily newspaper L'Unità finds fault with the recent European enlargement and criticises the economic, monetary and social weakness of the European Community.
'A historic day for Europe' in La Dernière Heure (24 January 1972)
TextOn 24 January 1972, the Belgian daily La Dernière Heure presents a portrait of the new enlarged Europe.
"Die EWG-Erweiterung - nur Grund zum Jubeln?" in Europa Union (Dezember 1972)
TextIm Dezember 1972 weist die Zeitschrift Europa Union auf die Schwierigkeiten hin, mit denen die Europäischen Gemeinschaften nach der Erweiterung von sechs auf neun Mitgliedstaaten konfrontiert sein werden.
Interview mit Gaston Thorn: das Vereinigte Königreich und Europa (Luxemburg, 6. Februar 2006)
Audio extractIn diesem Interview spricht der ehemalige luxemburgische Außenminister Gaston Thorn über die Bedeutung des Beitritts des Vereinigten Königreichs zu den Europäischen Gemeinschaften und erläutert die Haltung Luxemburgs zur Erweiterung der Gemeinschaften.
Interview mit Helmut von Verschuer: die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik bei den ersten Erweiterungsverhandlungen (Paris, 25. Mai 2009)
VideoIn diesem Interview beschreibt Helmut von Verschuer die schwierigen Verhandlungen über die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik (GAP) im Rahmen der ersten Erweiterungsverhandlungen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften.