European organisations — a general overview
Member States of the European organisations (1949–2005)
DiagramDiagrams showing how the European organisations covered by the CVCE have developed and particularly how the number of their members has increased since 1949.
Institutionalised cooperation in Europe: areas, organisations and interconnections (1948-2009)
DiagramOverview of the principal forms of institutionalised cooperation existing in Europe before the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon amending the founding treaties of the European Union on 1 December 2009: the international organisations created by the European States, the activities that they exercise, the areas of cooperation that such activities fit into (security, economic cooperation and the human dimension) and the interconnections between the different organisations.
Security and defence organisations in Europe (1949-2005)
DiagramDiagrams showing the development and the composition of security and defence organisations in Europe since 1949 and, in particular, the change in cooperation structures following the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989.