The Messina Conference (1 to 3 June 1955)
Composition of the delegations of the Six at the Messina Conference
TableTable showing the composition of the delegations of the six Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) invited to attend the Messina Conference from 1 to 3 June 1955.
The Messina Conference (1–3 June 1955)
ImageOn 1, 2 and 3 June 1955, the Foreign Ministers of the six Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) meet in Messina to discuss the terms for a revival of the European integration process. From left to right: Johan Willem Beyen (Netherlands), Gaetano Martino (Italy), Joseph Bech (Luxembourg), Antoine Pinay (France), Walter Hallstein (FRG) and Paul-Henri Spaak (Belgium).
‘European revival’ from Le Figaro (3 June 1955)
TextOn 3 June 1955, in an article for the French daily newspaper Le Figaro, the philosopher, Raymond Aron, comments on the Messina Conference and speculates on the possibility of a revival of the European integration process.
Abschiedsrede von Jean Monnet als Präsident der Hohen Behörde der EGKS (9 Juni 1955)
Audio extractAm 9. Juni 1955, d. h. kaum eine Woche nach Ende der Konferenz von Messina, gibt Jean Monnet sein Amt als Vorsitzender der Hohen Behörde der Europäischen Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl (EGKS) in Luxemburg endgültig auf.