Organisation and operation

Organisation and operation of the Committee of the Regions

The rules relating to the organisation and operation of the Committee of the Regions are laid down by the Treaty establishing the European Community and by its Rules of Procedure.

One of the first tasks of the Committee of the Regions following its establishment was to draw up its Rules of Procedure. An ad hoc group was entrusted with preparing a draft text. Pending the outcome of the group’s deliberations, the Committee applied the Rules of Procedure of the European Economic and Social Committee.

The first Rules of Procedure of the Committee of the Regions were submitted for approval to the Council acting unanimously pursuant to Article 198b (new Article 264) of the Treaty establishing the European Community (EC). The requirement to seek the approval of the Council was removed by the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam, thus granting the Committee increased autonomy in its organisation. The first Rules of Procedure adopted in accordance with the new procedure are dated 18 November 1999.

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