On 20 July 1963, on behalf of the Commission of the European Economic Community, Commission President Walter Hallstein signs the Yaoundé Convention between the EEC and 18 Associated African States and Madagascar (AASM).
Statement by Walter Hallstein, President of the Commission of the European Economic Community, on the occasion of the signing of the Trade Agreement with Israel on 4 June 1964. After more than two years of negotiations conducted by the Commission on behalf of the Community, the Community signs its second trade agreement with Israel.
In 1970, the first meeting between a President of the Commission of the European Communities, Jean Rey, and a President of the United States, Richard Nixon, takes place.
On 28 February 1975, François-Xavier Ortoli, President of the Commission of the European Communities, delivered a speech during ceremony to mark the signature of the Lomé Convention between the ACP countries and the EEC.
In this judgment, the Court of Justice is called upon to rule on the distribution of powers between the Council and the Commission relating to the conclusion of international agreements by the European Community.
In this judgment, the Court of Justice rules on the Commission’s power to exercise the right to vote, on behalf of the European Community, in the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). The FAO is an international organisation which has admitted the Community as a member, alongside its Member States, and which has provided for a system of alternative exercise of the rights attaching to membership on the basis of who is entitled to exercise that power.
Following the adoption by the Council, on 29 June 1998, of the Decision authorising the Commission to engage in negotiations on the future EU-ACP Convention, João de Deus Pinheiro, Commissioner with special responsibility for development, outlines the European Union's proposals for Eu-ACP relations after the expiry of the Lomé IV Convention.
Excerpt from an article on the Commission's participation, with a negotiating mandate provided by the Council, in the WTO ministerial conference in Seattle from 29 November to 3 December 1999.
In this interview published in the French daily newspaper Le Monde on 12 August 2003, Pascal Lamy, European Commissioner for Trade and head of negotiations for the European Union within the WTO, answers questions from the newspaper on the European Union’s role in international trade.
In this interview, Étienne Davignon, former Member of the Commission of the European Communities with special responsibility for the Internal Market, Industrial Affairs and the Customs Union, considers the importance for the European Commission of being able to participate in the meetings of the European Council and in the G7, the informal grouping of the Heads of State or Government of the United States, Japan, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Canada.