Winston Churchill's Zurich speech
Winston Churchill's Zurich speech
The Zurich speech
TextThe Zurich speech
Address given by Winston Churchill (Zurich, 19 September 1946)
TextOn 19 September 1946, Winston Churchill, British Conservative leader, gives an address at the University of Zurich in which he identifies Franco-German reconciliation and the establishment of a European organisation as conditions for peace and liberty throughout the continent.
Address given by Winston Churchill (Zurich, 19 September 1946)
Audio extractOn 19 September 1946, Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister, gives an address at the University of Zurich in which he invites European countries to form a United States of Europe.
The Zurich address (Zurich, 19 September 1946)
ImageView of the hall in the University of Zurich which played host to the former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, on 19 September 1946.
'The United States of Europe as the sole guarantee for peace' from Il nuovo Corriere della Sera (20 September 1946)
TextOn 20 September 1946, the Italian daily newspaper Il nuovo Corriere della Sera sets out the main points of Winston Churchill’s call for European unity, which was made in an address given the previous day at the University of Zurich.
'Churchill speaks in Zurich' from Le Soir (21 September 1946)
TextOn the occasion of the address given by Winston Churchill at the University of Zurich on 19 September 1946, the Belgian daily newspaper Le Soir comments on the former British Prime Minister’s support for a United States of Europe based on Franco–German reconciliation.
'Mr Churchill's ideas' from Le Monde (21 September 1946)
TextOn 21 September 1946, the French daily newspaper Le Monde comments on the address given two days earlier by Winston Churchill at the University of Zurich in support of Franco–German reconciliation and European unity.
'Positive Europeans' from the Süddeutsche Zeitung (24 September 1946)
TextOn 24 September 1946, the German daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung welcomes the address given five days earlier by Winston Churchill at the University of Zurich in support of a United States of Europe based on Franco–German cooperation.
‘Europe arise!' from Le Phare Dimanche (27 September 1946)
TextOn 27 September 1946, commenting on the pro-European address given by Winston Churchill at the University of Zurich, the Brussels newspaper Le Phare Dimanche speculates on the concept of a European federation.
‘United Europe?’ from Die Welt (18 January 1947)
TextOn 18 January 1947, the German daily newspaper Die Welt speculates on the concept of a United States of Europe and welcomes the action taken by Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister, in favour of European unity.
'United Europe' from Fédération (July 1947)
TextIn July 1947, Winston Churchill, leader of the British Conservative Party, writes an article which is published in the French federalist periodical Fédération stressing the importance of a united Europe.
'The prophet of Zurich' from the Süddeutsche Zeitung (20 September 1996)
TextFifty years after the address given by Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister, at the University of Zurich on 19 September 1946, the German daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung analyses the repercussions of Churchill’s vision of the future of Europe.
Winston Churchill
PassportRichard Coudenhove-Kalergi, I chose Europe
TextIn his memoirs, Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder of the Paneuropean Union in Vienna in 1923, describes the impact of the address given by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on 19 September 1946 at the University of Zurich in which he called for the establishment of a Council of Europe.