The EEC and the two blocs
The EEC and the two blocs
The EEC in the world
Cartoon by Köhler on the international position of the EEC (1957)
Image‘It’s in your best interest to stay on good terms with me, gentlemen, for I’m thinking of becoming the third force …’ In 1957, the German cartoonist Köhler questions the role to be played by Europe on the international stage.
Draft resolution of the Action Committee for a United States of Europe (14 April 1958)
TextOn 14 April 1958, the Action Committee for a United States of Europe adopts a draft resolution on the relations to be established between the European Economic Community (EEC) and third countries, in particular the United Kingdom.
Cartoon portraying Europe’s position on the international stage (20 August 1960)
Image‘The third force — Up you go, Harold!’ On 20 August 1960, the German satirical weekly magazine Simplicissimus leads on Europe’s tricky attempts to position itself on the international stage (from bottom to top, Harold MacMillan, Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer) between the two great powers of the United States (left, Dwight D. Eisenhower) and the Soviet Union (right, Nikita S. Khrushchev).
Joint Declaration of the Action Committee for the United States of Europe (26 June 1962)
TextOn 26 June 1962, the Action Committee for the United States of Europe (CAEUE) welcomes the United Kingdom's request for membership of the European Communities and calls for stronger ties between the United States and a united Europe.
Interview with Victor Bodson: statement by the Action Committee for the United States of Europe (CLT, 26 June 1962)
Audio extractOn 26 June 1962, Victor Bodson, representative of the Luxembourg Socialist Party in the Action Committee for the United States of Europe (ACUSE), comments on the statement made the same day by the Committee on the United Kingdom’s application for accession to the European Communities and on the strengthening of the Communities’ links with the United States.
Statement issued by the European Movement in Paris (3 May 1965)
TextOn 3 May 1965, in Paris, the European Movement expresses its determination to see Europe establish the defence and foreign policy institutions that it requires in order to play a greater role on the international stage.
The development of foreign trade with large economic areas and important countries (1958-1967)
TableTable showing a sustained increase in the European Community's external trade and its importance in comparison with other countries or economic areas.
Development of the EEC's trade with the main third countries (1958-1967)
TableTable showing imports and exports between the EEC and third countries from 1958 to 1957, and the importance of trade with other European countries.
Evolution in EEC trade with developing countries and territories (1958-1971)
TableTable showing the evolution in trade between the European Community and the group of developing countries and territories between 1958 and 1971.
‘Building Europe with or without the Socialists’ from La Libre Belgique (2 May 1962)
TextOn 2 May 1962, the Brussels daily newspaper La Libre Belgique considers what kind of relations the Six should have with the potential applicant countries for accession to or association with the European Communities, regardless of the stance taken by the European Socialist parties in particular vis-à-vis Francoist Spain.