Political cooperation
Political cooperation
Towards political cooperation
'What is required of the EEC', from Süddeutsche Zeitung (18 April 1970)
TextOn 18 and 19 April 1970, the German daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung outlines the implications of establishing European Political Cooperation (EPC).
‘Political union — (1) The tortuous paths of diplomacy’, from Europe
TextIn his editorial of 13 May 1970, Emanuele Gazzo, Editor-in-Chief of Agence Europe, reveals, with a view to the first enlargement, the challenges posed by the work of the Davignon Committee on the political unification of the Six.
‘Political union – (2) Incontestable arguments', in Europe (14 May 1970)
TextIn his editorial of 14 May 1970, Emanuele Gazzo, Editor-in-Chief of Agence Europe, analyses the implications of the political unification of the Six, with a view to enlargement and in the light of the Davignon Report.
Press conference given by Georges Pompidou on European political cooperation (2 July 1970)
TextOn 2 July 1970, during a press conference in the Élysée Palace, the French President, Georges Pompidou, answers questions posed by the journalist, Lucienne Hubert-Rodier, on the chances of achieving greater political cooperation at Community level.
'Direct vote', from Corriere della Sera (1 December 1970 )
TextDuring an interview for the Italian daily newspaper Corriere della Sera on 1 December 1970, Walter Hallstein, President of the European Commission from 1958 to 1967, calls for the strengthening of political cooperation at Community level.
Internal memo from the German Foreign Ministry on European political cooperation (Bonn, 5 January 1972)
TextOn 5 January 1972, Otto-Axel Herbst and Berndt von Staden, Directors-General in the German Foreign Ministry, analyse the institutional development of the European Communities and put forward proposals for greater European political cooperation.
‘Georges Pompidou and his vision of Europe’ by Bernard Lefort (RTL, 6 April 1972)
Audio extractIn his editorial broadcast on 6 April 1972 on RTL radio, referring to the referendum for the ratification of the United Kingdom’s Treaty of Accession to the European Communities, Bernard Lefort, French journalist, comments on the main thrust of the European political agenda of Georges Pompidou, President of the French Republic, by comparing it to the proposals and approach of his predecessor, General Charles de Gaulle.
Cartoon by Mussil on the difficulties of European Political Cooperation (August 1972)
ImageIn August 1972, the German cartoonist, Felix Mussil, illustrates the difficulties facing the Nine in establishing European Political Cooperation (EPC) and reconciling national interests and common policy.
Interview with Leo Tindemans: European defence (RTL, 10 April 1976)
Audio extractOn 10 April 1976, during an interview broadcast on RTL, Leo Tindemans, the Belgian Prime Minister, discusses the need for the European Communities to devise a common defence strategy. He also discusses the controversy caused by Belgium’s having purchased American fighter aircraft instead of French Mirages.