Dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in the European integration process
Address by Senator Kennedy on the enlargement of the European Communities (9 April 1979)
TexteJosé Lladró, Spanish Ambassador to Washington, sends the Spanish Foreign Minister a copy of the address given by Senator Kennedy on 9 April 1979 in the United States Senate, published in the Congressional Record, entitled ‘Towards a Stronger European Community’, in which he speaks of the enlargement of the European Community to include the countries of southern Europe.
Note to the members of the Working Group on Regional Questions (24 September 1980)
TexteThe Deputy Secretary General of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament submits to the members of his group's Working Group on Regional Questions a document drafted by Thomas von der Vring, Professor at the University of Bremen, on the enlargement of the European Community to the south, focusing on the case of Spain. This document was to form the basis for discussions in the Group's next meeting on 10 October 1980.
‘Greece is proving no easy partner and is causing many problems for the EEC' from Le Nouveau Journal (17 December 1980)
TexteOn 17 December 1980, the French daily newspaper Le Nouveau Journal outlines the problems which will arise for the Common Market when Greece accedes to it, particularly because of its economic situation.
'The Greeks are comingº…' from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (20 December 1980)
TexteOn 20 December 1980, the Geman daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is worried about the problems, especially financial and agricultural, arising from the accession of, firstly, Greece and, subsequently, of Spain and Portugal to the European Economic Community (EEC).
Enlargement of the European Union (1995)
ImageOn 1 January 1995, Austria, Finland and Sweden join the European Union (EU).
The PHARE programme (1998)
ImageOn 27 February 1998, Hans van den Broek, Member of the Commission of the European Communities in charge of External Political Relations and Enlargement Negotiations, seals one of the lorries that, as a consequence of the PHARE programme, is getting ready to leave Brussels in order to take material aid to Estonia.
9 May — Europe Day (2005)
TexteIn 2005, a poster published by the European Commission for Europe Day celebrates the fifth enlargement of the European Union to include 10 new Member States. The motto ‘United in diversity’, officially selected in October 2004 for inclusion in the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, is printed on the poster in all the official languages of the enlarged Union.
Interview with Hans-August Lücker: reservations concerning Spain's accession to the European Communities (Bonn, 15 May 2006)
VidéoIn this interview, Hans-August Lücker, former Co-Chairman of the European Parliament/Spanish Cortes Joint Committee set up to make preparations for Spain's accession to the European Communities, recalls the reluctance of Italy and France to envisage opening the Communities to Spain.
Interview with José María Gil-Robles y Gil-Delgado (Madrid, 9 March 2010) — Excerpt: European cultural heritage and the fundamental elements of a common European identity
VidéoIn this interview, José María Gil-Robles, President of the European Parliament from 1997 to 1999, describes the concept of unity in diversity as a definition of European cultural identity and of the linguistic equilibrium within the European institutions, as the European Union undergoes successive enlargements. He also examines the initiatives for a common educational curriculum in Europe.
Interview with José María Gil-Robles y Gil-Delgado (Madrid, 9 March 2010) — Excerpt: Euro-Mediterranean policy and immigration policy
VidéoIn this interview, José María Gil-Robles, President of the European Parliament from 1997 to 1999, describes the importance of neighbourhood relations and the need for a dialogue between the countries north and south of the Mediterranean. He also analyses the issue of the integration of immigrants and the initiative to draw up a charter for the rights of immigrants in Europe.
Interview with Jordi Pujol i Soley: the constituent elements of a common European identity (Barcelona, 19 March 2010)
VidéoIn this interview, Jordi Pujol, President of Catalonia from 1980 to 2003 and President of the Assembly of European Regions from 1992 to 1996, gives his views on the common elements of European identity and culture with regard to the plan to provide the European Union with a constitution. He also discusses the principles and values underpinning the European idea and the European social model.
Interview with Marcelino Oreja Aguirre: fundamental values, the development of a common European identity, Spain’s contributions to the European integration process and the challenges facing today’s Europe (Madrid, 24 March 2010)
VidéoIn this interview, Marcelino Oreja, President of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences since 2009, describes the need to involve citizens in the European integration process through the media and educational curriculums. He also examines the role of new information and communication technologies and gives his views on fundamental European values based on human respect and dignity. Finally, he analyses the development of a Europeanist sentiment in Spain and defines the European Union as a permanent construction which upholds freedom and solidarity as major European values.
Interview with Manuel Marín González: the constitutive elements of a common European identity (Madrid, 13 April 2010)
VidéoIn this interview, Manuel Marín, Vice-President of the European Commission from 1993 to 1999, discusses European values as the result of a reflexion on a mixed past which resulted in the ‘historic success’ of the creation of an area of peace, progress and stability. He also mentions future European challenges, particularly the development of systems for citizen protection and the consolidation of a cooperation on the European continent that will supersede a history marked by domination.
Interview with Manuel Marín González: Euro-Mediterranean policy and intercultural dialogue (Madrid, 13 April 2010)
VidéoIn this interview, Manuel Marín, Vice-President of the European Commission from 1993 to 1999, mentions the success of the bilateral agreements concluded in connection with the European Union’s Euro-Mediterranean policy, developed from 1995 and regrettably ‘curbed’ by the tensions resulting from the conflict between Israel and Palestine. He also discusses the current project for a Union for the Mediterranean and the challenges and prospects with regard to Euro-Mediterranean dialogue.
Law No 3907 on the establishment of an Asylum Agency and Initial Reception Agency (Athens, 18 January 2011)
TexteOn 26 January 2011, Law No 3907, adopted by the Hellenic Parliament on 18 January 2011, enters into force. This law refers to the establishment of an Asylum Agency, which is designed to help frame national asylum policy, as well as an Initial Reception Agency, whose objective is the effective management of third country nationals who enter the Greek state illegally. This law, which transposes the provisions of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union 2008/115/EC on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals, is an indication of the impact of EU policies on third countries and on the evolution of European borders.