The financing of the EU
Developments in the general budget of the European Union
SchémaInteractive diagram showing developments in the general budget of the European Union since 1952.
Contributions by the Member States to the budget of the EEC and the EAEC (1958-1970)
SchémaDiagram showing the financial contribution made by the Member States to the general budget of the European Economic Community and the operating, research and investment budgets of Euratom from 1958 to 1970.
Evolution of Community revenue (1971-2004)
SchémaDiagrams showing the evolution of Community revenue following successive changes resulting from decisions on own resources.
Participation by Member States in the funding of the Community budget
SchémaDiagrams showing the participation by Member States in the funding of the Community budget following successive enlargements.
Developments in own resources by Member State (1970-2006)
SchémaInteractive diagram showing the developments within the European Union of own resources by Member State following the introduction in 1970 of an independent system of financing the Community budget.
Allocation of EU expenditure (1995-2005)
SchémaDistribution graph showing the evolution of Union European expenditure between 1995 and 2005.
Development of the financial perspectives (1988-2006)
SchémaInteractive diagram showing the development of the financial perspectives since their establishment in 1988.
The budgetary procedure (before the Lisbon Treaty)
SchémaDiagram illustrating the budgetary procedure provided for by Article 272 of the Treaty establishing the European Community.