The single market
The single market
The single market
TexteThe single market
Judgment of the Court of Justice, Rewe-Zentral, Case 120/78 (20 February 1979)
TexteThis judgment, known as the 'Cassis de Dijon judgment', is a keystone of the development of case-law relative to the prohibition of quantitative restrictions on imports and of measures having equivalent effect on the free movement of goods (Article 30 of the EEC Treaty, now Article 28 of the EC Treaty).
‘Demolishing customs' from L'Express (6 December 1985)
TexteOn 6 December 1985, the French weekly magazine L'Express speculates on whether Member States of the European Economic Community will be able to implement the free movement of goods before 1992.
Felipe González Márquez, Europe, from the Community of twelve to European Union: The objective for 1992
TexteOn 19 October 1987, Felipe González Márquez, Spanish Prime Minister, gives an address at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence in which he outlines the reasons which led his country to accede to the European Communities and calls for the establishment of an integrated common space in Europe and the implementation of better cooperation in terms of European foreign policy.
Felipe González Márquez
ImageFelipe González Márquez, Spain's Socialist Prime Minister from 1982 to 1996.
Address given by Leo Tindemans on the single internal market (Antwerp, 26 November 1987)
TexteOn 26 November 1987, Leo Tindemans, Belgian Foreign Minister from 1981 to 1988, delivers an address to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Antwerp on the establishment of the single internal market in Europe.
‘The dynamic of the single market’ from Le Monde (1 December 1987)
TexteOn 1 December 1987, the French daily newspaper Le Monde sets out the aims of the establishment of a European internal market, particularly referring to questions of common standards and harmonisation.
‘The issues surrounding the European internal market’ from the Revue d’Économie Financière (December 1987)
TexteIn December 1987, Daniel Lebègue, Chief Executive Officer of the Banque Nationale de Paris, reports on the major issues surrounding the establishment of the future European internal market.
‘The completion of the large market is mainly a political question' from Europe (4. February 1988)
TexteIn his editorial of 4 February 1988, Emanuele Gazzo, Chief Editor of Agence Europe, emphasises that the collective political will of the Member States of the European Community is a prerequisite for the attainment of the economic objectives of the Twelve.
'Europe 1992: "They're all beavering away like mad"' from Der Spiegel (9 May 1988)
TexteThe ‘Europe 1992’ operation seeks to prepare the 12 Member States of the European Communities for the establishment of the single market. In its 9 May 1988 edition, the German magazine Der Spiegel analyses the obstacles to be overcome in order to achieve this objective.
'Europe 1992: a market without a state' from Der Spiegel (4 July 1988)
TexteOn 4 July 1988, the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel highlights the dangers of a single European market where economic liberalism is more important than the social and political dimension of Europe.
'"An area without frontiers": a lure' from Europe (12 July 1988)
TexteOn 12 July 1988, two years before the signing of the Schengen Agreement, Emanuele Gazzo, Chief Editor of Agence Europe, criticises the increasingly slow pace at which the Twelve are progressing towards a Europe without frontiers.
Interview de Margaret Thatcher à la BBC-Radio (Londres, 27 juillet 1988)
TexteLe 27 juillet 1988, Margaret Thatcher, Premier ministre britannique, livre aux journalistes de la British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) sa conception de l'intégration européenne.
Address by Martin Bangemann on the repercussions of the introduction of the single market (Copenhagen, 9 November 1988)
TexteOn 9 November 1988, at a seminar on Jean Monnet in Copenhagen, Martin Bangemann, German Minister for the Economy, gives an address on the economic repercussions and political prospects of the introduction of a European internal market.
Statement by Helmut Kohl on the implications for trade and industry of the internal market (Cologne, 30 November 1988)
TexteOn 30 November 1988, at the 5th seminar for food industry entrepreneurs in Cologne, Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl gives an address on the implications and advantages of the future internal market for German trade and industry.
Address given by Jacques Santer on the single European market (Luxembourg, 7 December 1988)
TexteOn 7 December 1988, Jacques Santer, Luxembourg Prime Minister, gives an address on the advantages and possible risks of a single European market for Luxembourg’s economy.
Speech by Rudolf Seiters on the single internal market (Cologne, 22 June 1989)
TexteOn 22 June 1989, during the international conference organised in Cologne by the Junior Chamber International, Rudolf Seiters, Head of the German Federal Chancellery, gives a speech on the role of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in the completion of the European Internal Market.
Views of the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts on the single European market (1989)
TexteIn 1989, the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts expresses its wishes and requirements concerning the establishment of a single European market.
‘A changing Europe: new challenges for Portugal’ from the Cadernos de Economia
TexteIn an article published in the Portuguese journal Cadernos de Economia in March 1990, Victor Martins, Portuguese State Secretary for European Affairs, analyses the challenges facing Portugal in the Europe of the 1990s.
Resolution 962 (1991) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (23 April 1991)
TexteOn 23 April 1991, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe expresses its concern at some of the consequences of the single market due to be established on 1 January 1993 and calls on the Twelve to implement the European Economic Area (EEA).
Interview with Catherine Lalumière: the Internal Market Council (Paris, 17 May 2006)
VidéoIn this interview, Catherine Lalumière, former State Secretary to the Minister for Economic Affairs, Finance and the Budget with special responsibility for Consumer Affairs (1983–1984), explains why she represented France on the Internal Market Council, a role which brought her into contact with European issues for the first time.
The large internal market comes into being
Piet Dankert, European integration: deepening so that we can widen (March 1992)
TexteIn an article published in the journal Internationale Spectator in March 1992, Piet Dankert, State Secretary in the Netherlands Foreign Ministry and former President of the European Parliament, emphasises the need to deepen the European Union before continuing to widen it.
‘The minimal Europe of Mrs Thatcher’ from Le Monde diplomatique (June 1992)
TexteIn June 1992, the French monthly newspaper Le Monde diplomatique analyses the way in which Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister, intends to impose her neo-liberal conception on the Common Market of the European Communities.
Commission White Paper on Growth, competitiveness, and employment (1993)
TexteConclusions of the Commission White Paper on ‘Growth, competitiveness, and employment’, which was approved by the European Council on 11 December 1993 and recommends increased cooperation in research and development, the adoption of a new development model taking into account the environment and qualitative needs, and action to be taken regarding the employment market.
Carlos Westendorp, Spain and 1993
TexteIn spring 1992, in an article published in the Spanish magazine Política Exterior, Carlos Westendorp, Junior Minister in the Spanish Ministry for European Affairs, outlines the challenges which will arise when the single market becomes a reality in 1993.
The large internal market comes into being
‘The "great market" of the Europe of the Twelve comes into force' from Le Monde (1 January 1993)
TexteOn 1 January 1993, commenting on the completion of the European internal market, the French daily newspaper Le Monde considers the impact of the free movement of goods, capital and services between the twelve Member States of the European Economic Community (EEC).
Completion of the internal market of the European Community (1 January 1993)
ImageOn 1 January 1993, the internal market — an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured — enters into force.