Victor Bodson, ‘Luxembourg and the peaceful use of nuclear energy’ from Tageblatt (19 April 1956)

From 17 to 20 April 1956, the Luxembourg socialist daily newspaper Tageblatt publishes a series of articles written by the Luxembourg Minister for Transport and Electricity and Head of the National Nuclear Energy Council, Victor Bodson. In this article, he outlines the potential arrangements for cooperation within Euratom in the areas of training and the nuclear common market. He also describes the growing need for electricity, particularly in Luxembourg, which justifies the increased use of this energy source in the coming years.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: BODSON, Victor "Le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et l’utilisation pacifique de l'énergie nucléaire III." dans Tageblatt 19.04.1956.

Copyright: (c) Editpress Luxembourg/Tageblatt

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