Summary report of the French Government’s response to questions from Members of the National Assembly (22 January 1957)

On 22 January 1957, the Members of the French National Assembly debate the issues surrounding the ongoing negotiations on European economic integration. The question of relations with overseas countries is given particular importance, as is the integration of the market into the process of overall liberalisation of the economy. The national representatives from the various parties are also concerned by the effects of this integration on the economy and on fiscal, family and wage policy in France.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Assemblée nationale. Compte-rendu analytique officiel. 1ère séance du Mardi 22 janvier 1957 (97e Séance de la Session de 1956-1957).

Archives historiques de l’Union européenne. Florence. Ministère des Affaires étrangères français, MAEF.DECE-5.2, Communauté économique européenne, MAEF-627, Parlement français.1957.

Copyright: (c) Assemblée Nationale

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