Statements by Pierre Werner on the situation of the Luxembourg steel industry (Luxembourg, 8 February and 3 April 1983)

In his statement to the Chamber of Deputies on 8 February 1983, Pierre Werner, Luxembourg Prime Minister and Minister of State, describes the current situation and future prospects of the Luxembourg steel industry, particularly referring to the report drawn up by French expert and consultant Jean Gandois. During the television programme Hei Elei — Kuck Elei on 3 April 1983, Werner makes a statement on the same subject, outlining the measures that need to be taken to implement the restructuring programme for the Luxembourg steel industry.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: "Déclarations de Monsieur Pierre Werner, Président du Gouvernement, sur la situation de la sidérurgie luxembourgeoise" dans Bulletin de documentation. Luxembourg : dir. de publ. Service Information et Presse-Ministère d'État. 4 avril, n° 3/1983, pp. 22-25.

Archives familiales Pierre Werner, Luxembourg.

Copyright: (c) Service Information et Presse du Gouvernement luxembourgeois

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