Statement by Theo Waigel on the Stability and Growth Pact (Dublin, 13 December 1996)

On 13 December 1996, Theo Waigel, German Finance Minister, gives his immediate reaction to the outcome of the Dublin European Council, in particular concerning the establishment of a Stability and Growth Pact with a view to the transition to the third stage of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Bulletin des Presse- und Informationsamtes der Bundesregierung. 05.03.1997, Nr. 19. Bonn: Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung. "Erklärung des Bundesfinanzministers vor der Presse", p. 212-213.

Copyright: (c) Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung

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