Statement by Pierre Werner to the Chamber of Deputies (Luxembourg, 24 July 1979)

This statement by Pierre Werner, Luxembourg Prime Minister and Minister of State, to the Chamber of Deputies on 24 July 1979 presents the manifesto of the parties in the Luxembourg Government (the Christian Social Party and the Democratic Party) following the parliamentary elections on 10 June 1979. Pierre Werner outlines the main points of the manifesto, particularly economic policy, budget and fiscal policy, and foreign policy, as well as labour and employment, agriculture, energy, health, education and justice.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: "Déclaration gouvernementale – Déclaration faite par Monsieur Pierre Werner, Président du Gouvernement, le 24 juillet 1979 à la Chambre des Députés" dans Bulletin de documentation. Luxembourg : dir. de publ. Service Information et Presse-Ministère d'État. n° 3/79, pp. 25-38.

Archives familiales Pierre Werner, Luxembourg.

Copyright: (c) Service Information et Presse du Gouvernement luxembourgeois

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