Pierre Werner, Eugène Schaus, Théo Lefèvre and Paul-Henri Spaak at the signing of the protocol revising the BLEU Convention (Brussels, 29 January 1963)

On 29 January 1963, Eugène Schaus, Luxembourg Foreign Minister, Pierre Werner, Luxembourg Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Minister of State, Théo Lefèvre, Belgian Prime Minister, and Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgian Foreign Minister (from left to right) sign the protocol revising the Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU) Convention.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Archives familiales Pierre Werner, Luxembourg. 1952-1959, PW 200.
Bruxelles: Belga, 29.01.1963. Noir et blanc.

Copyright: (c) Belga Photo / Images Globe

Pierre Werner, Eugène Schaus, Théo Lefèvre and Paul-Henri Spaak at the signing of the protocol revising the BLEU Convention (Brussels, 29 January 1963)