Pierre Werner, a vision for Europe: his approach, action and legacy — Conference (Luxembourg, 27 November 2013) — Second session: Pierre Werner, a life dedicated to the European ideal
Video At the international conference ‘Pierre Werner, a vision for Europe: his approach, action and legacy’, the second working session entitled ‘Pierre Werner, a life dedicated to the European ideal’ is chaired by Professor René Leboutte, Holder of the ad personam Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration History at the University of Luxembourg and Chairman of the CVCE’s Committee of Experts. The session features the following contributions: Dr Elena Danescu, Researcher at the CVCE: Pierre Werner: l’homme et son œuvre; Dr Armand Clesse, Director of the Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies: De l’Europe de Pierre Werner à l’Europe d’aujourd’hui: réalisations et échecs; Dr Jan-Willem Brouwer, Head of Research at the Centre for Parliamentary History in Nijmegen: Les Pays-Bas et Pierre Werner, 1954–1984; Prof. Xu Mingqi, President of the Shanghai Institute for European Studies, Director of the Centre for European Studies at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences: Pierre Werner — a long-run vision for Europe; Dr Frédéric Clavert, Research Engineer at LabEx EHNE, Paris-Sorbonne University: L’exemple d’une analyse computationnelle des archives familiales Pierre Werner.
Quelle und Copyright
Quelle: Pierre Werner, une vision pour l’Europe: pensée, action, enseignements — Colloque international, prise de vue : Alexandre Germain.- Luxembourg: CVCE [Prod.], 27.11.2013. CVCE, Sanem. - VIDEO (01:41:28, Couleur, Son original).
Copyright: (c) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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