‘On the forthcoming Congress of the Socialist Workers’ Party’ from the Tageblatt (17 July 1948)

On 17 July 1948, in an article published in the Luxembourg socialist daily Tageblatt, the socialist leader Michel Rasquin, President of the Socialist Movement for the United States of Europe (MSEUE) and future Luxembourg Minister for Foreign Affairs and Reconstruction, describes the issues, particularly those with an international bearing, of the forthcoming Congress of the Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party (LSAP) to be held in Luxembourg City.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Tageblatt. Escher Journal. 17.07.1948, Nr. 163. Esch-sur-Alzette: Luxemburgs Genossenschaftsdruckerei.

Copyright: (c) Editpress Luxembourg/Tageblatt

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