‘Louis de Villefosse: Rethinking national defence in the light of the Soviet advance’ from Le Monde (25 October 1968)

On 25 October 1968, given the Soviet advance in the Mediterranean and the events in Czechoslovakia, the French daily newspaper Le Monde publishes the viewpoint of Louis de Villefosse, a former French Resistance member and member of the Scientific Action Committee for National Defence (1949), who analyses the reasons behind the Soviet Union’s military expansionism and the danger it represents, and calls on France to rethink its national defence strategy.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: "Louis de Villefosse: Repenser la défense nationale face à la poussée soviétique" dans Le Monde. Paris: Le Monde. 25.10.1968, n°7397, p.3.

Copyright: (c) Le Monde

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